I went to live oak high in morgan hill cal I was class of 87 I lost my things in storage between moves I was able to replace my yearbooks but I don’t have the money to replace my ring my mom bought me that ring and she died 11 years ago and I looked on ring finder but no one turned it in my schools mascot was an acorn and I love watching squills collect them my family was church going people I grew up in the luthern church my dad was on the church committee and assitent pastor and head of ushers and sunday school teacher and vaction bible school teacher why I want my class ring is cause my mom bought it and she has been gone 11 years and it is really hard on my every mothers day and her birthday my husband and I like to do kareokee and bingo he plays pool I would like to change the world with love peace joy and harmany
i miss my ring my memories had on it