Sometimes you just need a fresh look. A new outfit. A different song.
I spent a little time working on the blog today and updated our look. The previous theme was so 2012.
It has served it’s time and now it’s time to go. In with the new.
So, it’s a new theme. Fresh. Clean. Responsive. I like it. I hope you do too. Pretty happy so far with the new Spacious theme by ThemeGrill.
And, I like Grace VanderWaal. Taylor, you’re not done yet, but here comes the new freshness.
I think all of us need to be prepared for changes in this life. Ever since the Fall of man, things rust. Things decay. Things get old and die. Our world is full of thistles and thorns. But, it’s also full of sunlight.
If you are out there and feel the weight of the thorns, keep working. Bring beauty. Have hope.
And, enjoy this little ukulele diddy by Grace. And have a great day!