It’s back to school time, so we’re going to do a quick school lesson. Don’t worry. We’ll keep it simple.
So, without further ado, here are our ABCs when it comes to class ring shopping.

A – Always Shop Around
As we’ve shown before, can save you hundreds of dollars over the competition. If you compare the cost of our rings to Josten’s, you will see how much you can save by buying your class ring on our store. So, be sure to do your homework, especially when you are getting an EXTREMELY similar ring for about the same price.
B – Beware Of Herd Mentality
When the class ring salesman rolls into your school, it can be tempting to just go with the flow and do what everyone else is doing. But if you do this, there is a very good chance you aren’t going to end up with the lowest price on your class ring. So, don’t be afraid to be different. Plus, when all of your friends buy the exact same ring, you might have an opportunity to get a unique style not offered by the in-shchool sales rep.
C – Choose A Ring You Will Love
Your ring tells your story. It’s something you will keep the rest of your life. No matter where you buy your ring, be sure to buy one that you absolutely LOVE.
We hope you buy from us, but if you find another ring somewhere else that you love more, good on you! Go for it!
So, there you go! The ABCs of buying your class ring. You really don’t have to cry about it. 🙂