We offer a simple way to make $100’s or even $10,000!

Clams.  Green.  Cheddar.  Dead Presidents.  Moolah.  Lettuce.  Bones.  Bank.  It doesn’t matter what you call it.  It’s money, and you want more of it.  So, how can you earn some money fast while you’re in high school?

Truth is, there’s about 500,000 different answers to that question.  If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and get out there and hustle, making money in high school is not that hard.  Parents give their kids money all of the time.  Kids blow that money on all kinds of stuff.  The question is, how much of that flow of green can you get to wind up in your wallet?

Now, before we give you one way that is a simple and great opportunity, let’s lay a few ground rules.  We’re assuming a few things about your money aspirations:

1.  You’d Prefer Not to go to Jail – Well done.  We want to congratulate you in your


mindset.  Somebody with at least some wisdom was able to teach you something.  Hooray!  We don’t doubt that there are several substances you can sell at a profit to your fellow high school comrades, and you could probably make a crap load of money doing it.  Buuuuut, you also would have to be peaking over your shoulder at all times and hope you don’t get narced and land up saddled with a criminal record. Or worse, wind in an alley somewhere after being mugged and stabbed.  Plus, you don’t look good in orange jumpsuits.  Yeah, we have some better options for you.

2. Flipping Burgers Does Nothing to Help Your Facial Complexion – Look, there are 1,000’s of crappy jobs out there that pay minimum wage and are equally minimal in enjoyment level.  If you want to go get a part time job at your local fast food joint, go for it.  We’re not knocking it.  We think there is dignity in any job, but there may be better options.

flipping burgers

3.  Release Your Inner Entrepreneur – As a high school student, you probably don’t have a ton of cash on hand to invest or extensive networks of friendly contacts.  But, you do still have some assets.  Maybe the most valuable is your time.  Even though school can feel like an endless prison sentence, you have probably more time, freedom and flexibility than at any point in your life.  Take advantage of that lack of responsibility.  Trust me, as a husband and father of 2 young boys, time gets wayyyy more precious down the road.  So, feel free to experiment with different business ideas.  There’s no shortage of business opportunities.  You can start a landscaping business, sell any number of legal products with a markup, become a eBay and Craigslist master.  Get creative.  Hey, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell – these guys all started somewhere.  You can start something now and have it grow as you grow.  Let’s face it, in today’s job market, it’s a much safer bet to create your own job than rely on someone else to hire you.

OK, Now for Our BIG IDEA!!!!  

At WearMyStory, we offer a simple way for you to make some great cash and rewards.  With our Ring Rep Challenge, you can earn a free class ring ($200 value), unlimited $100 gift cards to places like iTunes, Amazon, Starbucks, etc., and one lucky winner will win $10,000 cold, hard cash!!!  Like the sound of it?  Here’s how it works.

earn money in high schoolEvery year, a class ring salesman comes to your school and sells thousands of dollars worth of jewelry.  Up until now, all of that money has been going into his and the ring company’s pockets.  But, we are giving you the opportunity to redirect those profits into your wallet!  Straight forward enough.  Look, these sales are already happening in your school every year.  Why not take advantage of this opportunity to earn some green for yourself?  Signing up is FREE and easy.  And sharing your link on social media is a breeze.  All you have to do is hustle a little bit, and you can start earning some major cash.  Here are a few extra considerations and tips:

What about quality?  We offer rings from ArtCarved, a sister company of Balfour.  They’ve been making rings since before your GrandPappy was born.  Trust us, you won’t find a higher quality ring.

What about price?  Our every day prices crush prices from Jostens and our other online competition.  Take a look at this page to see price and ring comparisons.

I don’t want to be a Douchebag to my friends.  Props.  Nobody wants to be “that guy”.  And trust us, we HATE pushy salesman.  So, don’t be pushy.  Our rings are cheaper than our competitors at our normal pricing.  Add to that the discount you give your friends through your referral link, and it becomes a win-win.

No one is buying class rings right now.  This is key.  Class ring salesman usually come to your school once a year.  Often, it’s shortly after the school year starts in the fall.  Here’s where you have to do a little research.  Check with your guidance counselor or whoever knows the details, when the class ring guy is coming.  Mark your calendar so you are ready.  Talk up your great deals ahead of time.  Then, when everyone in the school is shopping for class rings, that’s when it is time to strike and make a killing.

Pick up the low hanging fruit.  Lots of people don’t want class rings.  Don’t waste your time with them.  Instead, find the people who are already planning on buying, and show them what a great deal you can offer them.

Don’t Limit Yourself to Your School – Hey, every single school in America buys class rings.  If you can create a repeatable process, you can make massive bank from us. We’ve intentionally made the referral process an online link so that it can be easily shareable.

So, sign up today to become a Ring Rep at WearMyStory.  By referring sales to us, you have a chance to make $1,000’s of dollars in no time.  Now, we’re not saying you don’t have to work.  This isn’t a get rich quick scheme.  We believe work is a good thing (it’s toil that sucks).  So, get out there and hustle.  Be creative.  Use the web to your advantage, and we’ll gladly pay you instead of the class ring guy.

Become and Affiliate

Oh, and by the way, if you are interested in straight up cash instead of the gift cards.  Or, if you are out of high school, but still see this as a great opportunity, contact us to become an affiliate.  We have a commission structure in place that can help you earn the money you want through class ring sales.  Year in and year out, you can make tons of money by getting your foot in the door selling superior, lower cost rings.

How to Make Money in High School – Legal & Fast

2 thoughts on “How to Make Money in High School – Legal & Fast

  • June 3, 2017 at 9:57 am

    This is a pyramid scheme. Highly illegal don’t sign us for this

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